When Exercise is Over, the Work Isn’t

A lot of people have a great pre-workout and workout routine. We drink plenty of water before and during exercise, warm up properly go through our program. Then, after the last exercise, we are done.

What so many exercisers do not realize is the importance of what you do after you work out. You may have done the majority of the work, but how you treat your body in the minutes and hours after you exercise has a direct effect on muscle soreness, muscle strength and growth, and staying hydrated.

Cool Down
After your last exercise, your workout is not over. The first thing you need to do is cool down. No matter what your activity was, you still should do light cardio for a few minutes. This brings your heart rate down at a slow and steady pace, which helps you avoid feeling sick after a workout. 
This is one of the most important things you can do. After a workout, muscles naturally contract. Stretching again prevents them from shrinking. It allows your muscles to rebuild, growing bigger and stronger, and thus allowing you to get the full benefit from your efforts.

Stretching also relaxes your muscles, helps speed circulation to joints and tissues, and helps remove unwanted waste products, which reduce muscle soreness. If you come to one of our classes you know we ALWAYS stretch. Make sure you do it when you are on your own.

Drink Water
When you finish your workout, you need to keep replenishing your fluid levels. It’s recommended that you drink another 2-3 cups within two hours after you have finished. Then, drink water regularly afterwards. You may not feel thirsty anymore, but you still need to drink up to avoid getting dehydrated.

Eating is one of the last, but one of the most important post workout activities. You have not only burned hundreds of calories and lost carbohydrates, but you have also actually torn your muscles (in a good way). You need to repair your muscles and boost your energy level, and you need to do it fast. It’s recommended that you eat within 90 minutes of your workout, but the sooner the better. Look for foods that are packed with complex carbohydrates and high in protein. The carbs will re-energize your body, while slowly turning into calories – so you have plenty of time to burn them before they turn to fat. The protein helps repair your muscles, so they grow stronger while your body rests until the next workout.

Next time you put down the dumbbells and think your work is done, remember these after-workout necessities to maximize your efforts and get the most out of exercising.

PS – a song we have been loving lately, a blast from the 80’s past is Dancing in Heaven. Add it to your playlist – you will not be dissapointed!

Posted on July 26, 2012, in Fitness, Health, Playlists. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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